Ми помітили вже давно, що іноземки (у своїй більшості) шиють за майстер-класами та не вигадують велосипед, але серед наших майстринь досить поширено побачити щось, переробити ідею, зробити самостійно викрійку та пошити.
Саме так вийшло і з нашими кардхолдерами: ми бачили їх, ідея подобалась, викрійки ніде немає, а тому не залишалося нічого зробити, окрім як зробити власну викрійку та переробити її у відповідності з новим матеріалом миючим крафт папіром.
When we sew a lot, we would like to sew something new and something, that we didn't still make before.
We noticed, that foreign needlewomen (most of them, but not all) sew, using DIY or buying handmade magazines. They don't reinvent the wheel! But among our Ukrainian needlewomen it is common to see photo of something, think about it and make pattern yourself and then sew.
Something like that turned with our these cardholders: we saw them on Pinterest, we liked idea, but we could find pattern nowhere, so we decided to make it ourselves, but with a new material - washable kraft paper (you can read about it here). It seems to be a little bit other, than on photos, that we saw, but we wanted exactly, what we made.
When we sew a lot, we would like to sew something new and something, that we didn't still make before.
We noticed, that foreign needlewomen (most of them, but not all) sew, using DIY or buying handmade magazines. They don't reinvent the wheel! But among our Ukrainian needlewomen it is common to see photo of something, think about it and make pattern yourself and then sew.
Something like that turned with our these cardholders: we saw them on Pinterest, we liked idea, but we could find pattern nowhere, so we decided to make it ourselves, but with a new material - washable kraft paper (you can read about it here). It seems to be a little bit other, than on photos, that we saw, but we wanted exactly, what we made.
Кардхолдери виконані у єдиничному екземплярі та більше повторів не буде, оскільки робилися з залишків тканин, які ще залишилися після наших перших робіт. І це, як на мене, чудово. Замовники зможуть отримати справді ексклюзивну річ.
Дякую, що з нами! Вдалого дня!
Cardholders are one of a kind and we will not make repetitions, as they were made of the rest of fabrics after our first handmade goods. And we are sure, it is great, because people can receive really unique item. Pink crowns you can find here and blue lagoon is here.
Thank you for being with us! Have a nice day!