Our handmade items are under the most exacting expert among all other experts.
Вона чудово знає, як шити, як вишивати, що потрібно для цього використовувати, а головне знає, де краще спостерігати за процесом, щоб ми не схибили.
She perfectly knows, how to sew and make embroidery, what we need to use for it, and the main, she knows, where she can look over process, so we won't make any mistakes.
She perfectly knows, how to sew and make embroidery, what we need to use for it, and the main, she knows, where she can look over process, so we won't make any mistakes.
Але після того, як робота готова, спостереження не закінчується, оскільки вона має також проконтролювати й упакування.
After our work is made, her supervision isn't finished, as she should also control wrapping.
After our work is made, her supervision isn't finished, as she should also control wrapping.
І як можна помітити експерт не завжди задоволений! Але вона може бути впевненою, що усе буде зроблено найкращим чином, оскільки процес контролює саме вона!
And as you see, expert is not always satisfied! But she can be sure, that everything will be done in the best way, as she controls it by herself!
And as you see, expert is not always satisfied! But she can be sure, that everything will be done in the best way, as she controls it by herself!
))))чудесный эксперт,неподкупный))))
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